june, 2020
27jun1:00 pm4:00 pmPeak Performance Coaching | Super Bodies In MotionHealth & Wellness
Event Details
Kim Yeater is an Entrepreneur, Peak Performance Coach, Dynamic Speaker, Master NLP Practitioner & Coach in Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis, Film Maker of the documentary, “One Voice Many Faces”, CEO of
Event Details
- Kim Yeater is an Entrepreneur, Peak Performance Coach, Dynamic Speaker, Master NLP Practitioner & Coach in Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis, Film Maker of the documentary, “One Voice Many Faces”, CEO of her own fitness/wellness business “Super Bodies In Motion” and the upcoming author of, “Freedom’s Pursuit, Run YOUR Race and Discover Your True Identity”. Kim is a woman of high energy is spiritually impactful and stands for people knowing who they are, who they were created to be, and the purpose to which they have been called. Her desire is to powerfully transform the lives of millions around the world.
- Over the past 24 years, Kim has passionately coached hundreds of clients who were stuck in an area of their lives and specializes in getting them unstuck and interconnecting mind, body, and soul wellness both personally and professionally so they can live their lives powerfully. Kim’s coaching clients have broken through self-sabotage and limited beliefs, taken their businesses from 0 to $12,000+ a month, and have up-leveled their performance creating a whole new world of possibilities. Her love for seeing people overcome adversity, choosing faith over fear, and accessing their power is what drives Kim to be a bold leader empowering the world around her in Love.
- She is also a stand for the survivors of domestic violence and is committed to educating and empowering men, woman and children whose voices have been silenced, to break the cycle of domestic violence and victim mentality, and create a transformed life of freedom, authenticity, and full self-expression.
- Kim is living her life dream as a blessed wife, mother of four amazing children and as a life transformer. She loves time playing with family, creating life changing live events, leading her teams in obstacle course races and triathlons, and challenging herself as well as others to bring their very best to the table.
(Saturday) 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm